Często zadawane pytania
- Why do I need sports nutrition if I’m already eating healthily?
Sports nutrition is useful if the emphasis is on performance, since greater physical exertion increases the body’s need for energy. In general, sports nutrition can be a sensible supplement to a varied and healthy diet. Anyone engaged in daily performance-oriented training needs effective forms of support that will boost performance. Sports nutrition provides our bodies with the additional nutrients we need in order to:
- bridge energy gaps in high-performance and competitive situations
- avoid deficits in our supply of nutrients
- recover as efficiently as possible following our exertions
- How will DEXTRO ENERGY Sports Nutrition products help with my training and my performance at competitions?
DEXTRO ENERGY Sports Nutrition is perfectly attuned to the requirements of endurance athletes – particularly as regards:
- generating energy from carbohydrates.
- the right combination and content of vitamins and minerals
- and the supply of fluids
- Why are carbohydrates so important in sports nutrition?
- Carbohydrates are the most efficient and quickest acting source of energy for the human body. However, the capacity of our muscles and liver to store carbohydrates in the form of glycogen remains limited. Many athletes can find it difficult to consume sufficient nutrition to meet their carbohydrate and energy requirements. Therefore, when engaging in strenuous sports for more than one hour, we advise replenishing the carbohydrate reserves during the sporting activity.
- What is the ideal drink during sports?
A sports drink should:
- balance out the fluids lost through sweating
- supply you with energy carbohydrates during prolonged strenuous activity
- be hypotonic or isotonic in order to ensure a rapid fluid intake
- and, of course, taste good.
- How can I support my body during periods of intense physical exertion?
During periods of intense athletic activity, the human body is subjected to a greater level of physical exertion. The body has to work harder, and in addition, the risk of infection rises and the body has to handle increased oxidative degradation of the cells, etc. For this reason, it can be helpful to support the body with suitable micro-nutrients during times of high physical exertion.
Nutricomplex Direct from the Dextro Energy Sports Nutrition range offers an ideal combination. It supports the immune system and energy metabolism and also boosts performance. Furthermore, it helps prevent fatigue and protects the body’s cells against oxidative stress. - Why are the DEXTRO ENERGY hypotonic Carbo Mineral Drink and Isotonic Sports Drink products preferable to fruit juice drinks?
Fruit juice drinks and soft drinks are highly concentrated hypertonic drinks that need to be diluted in the intestinal tract before the body can absorb and assimilate them. Consequently, the water needed to dilute the consumed fluids down to an isotonic state is resorbed from the body. This process has to be completed before the diluted fluids can be supplied to the body, resulting in a delayed water absorption.
Both the hypotonic Carbo Mineral Drink and the Isotonic Sports Drink from DEXTRO ENERGY are ideal sports drinks. Their composition and concentration ensure an effective fluid supply, because the fluids are quickly absorbed by the body. - When I train or take part in sport competitions on hot days, I lose a lot of sweat. Will the DEXTRO ENERGY Carbo Mineral Drink and Isotonic Sports Drink provide me with everything I need?
- When you perspire, your body not only loses water, but also electrolytes (minerals) such as magnesium, sodium and potassium. Magnesium plays a critical role in supporting energy metabolism and muscle function. Carbohydrate-electrolyte drinks like the DEXTRO ENERGY Carbo Mineral Drink and Isotonic Sports Drink replenish the minerals you lose as you perspire.
- I always feel extremely thirsty during sports events, so I drink a lot while running. Can I still drink DEXTRO ENERGY Carbo Mineral Drink without worrying?
Since the drink is hypotonic, it is both effective and well-tolerated, meaning you can drink larger quantities without any concern. Depending on the amount of sweat loss and the environmental conditions, we recommend drinking up to 0.75 l per hour. You should not however exceed 0.8 – 1 liter of fluid, because the body is not capable of absorbing a greater amount of fluid; equally, this would also put too much strain on the stomach. Drinking in sips is therefore recommended.
As an addition, athletes will also find that the DEXTRO ENERGY Isotonic Sports Drink, with its optimal balance of ingredients, is well-tolerated and easy to digest. - How are the DEXTRO ENERGY sports drinks formulated to ensure optimum energy supply during sports?
- The carbohydrate formula of the Isotonic Sports Drink is based on a mix of primarily short chain carbohydrates. The Sports Drink provides the body with an immediate and efficient supply of carbohydrates. The DEXTRO ENERGY Carbo Mineral Drink combines carbohydrates of varying chain lengths. It provides the body with an immediate source of carbohydrates, while also ensuring a sustained supply of carbohydrates. Both drinks deliver the ideal combination of liquid and carbohydrates during endurance sports.
- Why is sports nutrition after training or competition so important for athletes?
After training, sport or competition, you need to secure the training effect. Within the first 60 minutes, it is essential to replenish the muscles with carbohydrates and proteins. It is important to recharge your energy reserves with carbohydrates, counteract any muscular atrophy effects, and compensate for the loss of fluids and minerals.
The DEXTRO ENERGY After Sports Drink is a carbohydrate-protein drink that provides the body with an additional supply of magnesium and 10 important vitamins, thus facilitating the regeneration process with its precisely composed formula. - What are the special features of the protein products in the Dextro Energy Sports Nutrition range?
If carbohydrate reserves are depleted, the body starts using its own proteins from the muscles in order to generate energy. Therefore, it is essential to provide the body with valuable protein after intensive training or a competition. The Dextro Energy Sports Nutrition range offers a Protein Drink and Protein Crisp bar ideally formulated for this purpose.
The Protein Crisp bar is an excellent choice for after sports or as a small snack. With a protein content of 30%, it supports muscle function and helps build muscle.
The Protein Drink features a high protein content – 80% – and is especially suitable for use after physical activity and exertion. The specially formulated mix of various protein sources supports muscle function and helps build muscle. The drink can be dissolved in either water or milk and is very easy to digest. - Which products in the DEXTRO ENERGY Sports Nutrition range would I be best advised to use in order to boost my performance at competitive events?
- The DEXTRO ENERGY Sports Nutrition range is specially designed to suit the three phases of sporting activity, and it therefore provides the athlete with precisely what he or she needs before, during and after sports. The products are labeled to make it easy for athletes to work out which products to use and when, both during training and during competitions. DEXTRO ENERGY Sports Nutrition products go well together when combined, since their respective effects are designed to complement each other well. And of course, the athlete’s personal preferences are also important when choosing.
- Are there any tips as to when I should use DEXTRO ENERGY Sports Nutrition products, and in what quantities, in order to achieve the best results?
Before sports: replenish energy reserves, stock up on liquids, add minerals. For example, 20 minutes before starting training or competition, drink 150-300 ml of DEXTRO ENERGY Carbo Mineral Drink or Isotonic Sports Drink. And if you want to settle your stomach a bit or top up your energy reserves, you can also eat a Carbohydrate Bar shortly before the start. This will ensure that your carbohydrate reserves remain well stocked for longer.
During training or during the event, you should keep your fluid and minerals at a healthy level in order to safeguard your energy supply and performance capacity. The recommended maximum intake of carbohydrates in one hour is approximately 60-80 g. The Carbo Mineral Drink, Isotonic Sports Drink, Liquid Gel, Dextrose Tablets or Carbohydrate Bar are all extremely well suited to this.
To ensure optimal regeneration and support the training effect, it is crucial – within the first 60 minutes after training or competition – to recharge the energy reserves with carbohydrates, compensate for the loss of fluids and minerals, and repair any muscle damage by supplying the body with protein. The perfect solution: the After Sports Drink from DEXTRO ENERGY. - What makes the DEXTRO ENERGY Carbohydrate Bar so special?
This energy bar contains a special mix of short, medium and long-chain carbohydrates to ensure your glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves are replenished once again and remain well stocked for longer. The carbohydrate bar has a pleasant consistency that makes it easy to chew, plus the bar is sectioned so that it can be easily broken off into smaller portions.
The Carbohydrate Bar is therefore also ideal for short training sessions, and the wide range of flavours add welcome variety. - What are the advantages of DEXTRO ENERGY Liquid Gel?
- The Liquid Gel is a concentrated, fast-acting carbohydrate gel. The special thing about it is its fluid consistency, which makes Liquid Gel extremely easy to drink – a major advantage, particularly when engaged in extremely strenuous activity. And the handy screw top makes it easy to use during sports activity. To help the carbohydrates generate energy even faster, we recommend drinking plenty of water.
- DEXTRO ENERGY Dextrose Tablets are also available in Sports Formula. What exactly does this mean?
The action of Dextrose Tablets is closely attuned to the particular requirements of the athlete. Glukoza (dextrose) provides a direct supply of carbohydrates and can thus help boost performance ability.
Moreover, the Dextrose Tablets are enriched with vitamins B1 and B6, as well as magnesium, which help the body maintain a continuous basic supply. While vitamins B1, B6, and C support energy metabolism, magnesium faciliates efficient and proper muscle function. The shape of Dextrose Tablets is well known, and just the thing for athletes, making it easy to take them out of the pack individually. - What’s the best way of preparing myself so that I get the most out of DEXTRO ENERGY Sports Nutrition products during an actual competitive event?
- We recommend trying out the products during training sessions. It’s important to train yourself to use these foodstuffs and drinks while engaged in strenuous sporting exertions, and to find your own drinking rhythm. This makes it easier to absorb carbohydrates and fluids, and helps provide confidence and routine during the competition.
- Are there any particularly useful tips for training and competition?
Sometimes, simple things can make all the difference when it comes to making training and competition easier. Here are a few tips:
- For endurance athletes, training is often extremely time-intensive; every endurance athlete should make sure to eat a varied, healthy diet.
- However, a varied, healthy diet is crucial, since it is the foundation for sustainable, successful performance.
- Do not start with a full or completely empty stomach – this also applies to a simple training run after work.
- During athletic training sessions and competitions lasting more than one hour, athletes should replenish their carbohydrate supply and keep hydrated with fluids: Small sips and snacks at regular intervals are especially effective in this regard. Moreover, if you sweat a lot, be sure your body has an adequate supply of minerals, particularly sodium. Always remember to drink. That's why the handy Carbo Mineral Drink sachets are particularly useful and convenient: they are easy to take anywhere.
- It doesn't end after training or competition. Now is the time to utilise the training effect and promote muscle growth with the right sports nutrition.